Easy composting for the sustainable home.
We all have food scraps and leftovers. When we throw them in the trash, they waste away in a landfill, taking up space and releasing methane.
Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way! We pick up your food scraps right from your home and compost them for you, helping you create nutrient-rich soil for our local farms and gardens.
How it works:
1. Sign up for service.
2. We deliver your bucket and a list of compostable items.
3. Toss food scraps and other compostables in the bucket.
4. Place your bucket outside. We'll collect it and give you a clean, empty bucket to fill again.
5. Your food waste is composted right here in Middle Tennessee.
You can order complimentary compost, and rest easy knowing we also donate compost to local farms and gardens.
If we don’t compost,
food waste is truly wasted.
The labor, water, and transportation that made the food go to waste.
Landfills continue to grow, taking up valuable space and releasing methane into the air.
It will never be turned into compost - and plants will starve without nutrient-dense soil to grow in.
Start composting today for $29/month
Service begins within a week of signing up. Cancel or skip pick ups at any time!
Email: Info@CompostNashville.org
Call/Text (615) 398 - 0209