Case Study: How this Workplace Diverted over 1,000 Pounds of Food Waste through Composting

Food waste is inevitable, even in the workplace. There’s a common misconception that composting is only relevant for businesses in the food industry, but just about any organization can benefit from composting. We’ve specifically seen a valet-style service work well for businesses that aim to implement office composting with minimal effort. With educational signage, clean bins, and a partner to handle all the “dirty work”, organizations of all types are set up for success.

Stoked is an excellent example of a local, Nashville, business that has successfully implemented composting into its day-to-day operations. As a human-centered design studio that helps leaders and teams innovate with impact, Stoked sought out an appealing way to tackle their food waste. We spoke with Amy Jackson to see how the program started, why they do it, and tips she has for other organizations that are thinking about composting.

“We love being able to save as much from the landfill as we can and give back to our community with the annual compost donation. Our guests are always impressed when they notice we compost; it shows our commitment to sustainability and being as eco-friendly as possible.” - Amy Jackson

man composting waste from an office and weighing the material

Amy found that the educational materials that are included with the bins are incredibly helpful and easily explain to staff what can and cannot go in the bins. She was surprised by how easy it is to incorporate composting into their daily routine.

When we asked what recommendations or tips Stoked has for other organizations, Amy said, “Take the leap! You’ll be surprised how much trash you actually reduce by composting. We have no regrets.”

Stoked is one of many organizations successfully diverting their food waste away from landfills. Compost Nashville provides services for nearly 100 organizations in middle Tennessee, and a simple process can be applied in a variety of circumstances.

Office composting is easy when you follow a few simple steps

Fill The Office Bin

During the week employees fill the Compost Nashville Office Bin with Compostables. These include:

  • Food waste, including all leftovers, banana peels, hot chicken bones, apple cores, and more!

  • Coffee Grounds from everyone’s morning (and afternoon) coffees

  • Greasy pizza boxes and other leftovers from office gatherings

  • BPI Certified Compostable cups, forks, and other plant-based plastics! Some to-go options may carry these compostable options, and employees can put them in the bin as well.

We Pick It Up

We collect the material from the office, typically during business hours.

  • We come into the office with a specially designed silent collection bin. 

  • We collect the compost, and clean the Office Bin on the spot!

  • We add a fresh bin liner, leaving it empty and sparkling for you to continue using!

  • We weigh the material and diversion metrics can be accessed at any time through our customized Composter Portal.

compost is donated to the Nashville community

Food Scraps are Given New Life

While you keep adding to your break room bin and swapping stories with co-workers, your material gets to work transforming into something useful - finished compost, which is used as a powerful soil amendment. Compost improves soil quality, enables better plant growth, and helps reduce the need to water and fertilize with artificial fertilizers.

  • Food waste is mixed with wood chips, leaves, and other materials that ensure food scraps break down efficiently at our commercial composting partner’s facility

  • Each year our composting partners select a local farm, school garden, or nonprofit from our list of approved recipients to receive compost that we donate.

Taking a break at work can do so much good.

Without composting, food waste is wasted away in landfill, produces methane

What if we don’t compost?

When organizations don’t compost, food waste is truly wasted.

  • All of the labor to grow, water, transport, and other resources it took to create that food are tossed away.

  • Food waste is very inefficiently broken down in a landfill, releasing methane (a powerful greenhouse gas) into the air and taking up valuable land space.

  • The opportunity for food waste to be turned into nutrient-dense fertilizer for new plants is missed.

To learn more about implementing an office composting program, contact us! We’ll conduct a complimentary site visit to determine what will work best for your office space. We’re here to make sure your business gets off to a great start with your composting initiative and can have trackable insights to prove the success of your program.


Decomposition: Compost Creates, Landfills Waste


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